So for the past few weeks I’ve been trying to work out how to write my newest blog post . I stopped writing in Spring 2016 so that I could concentrate on completing my album and am very happy to say that is now done. I had the album launch on the 20th November in Soho and I loved it!

I had a plan the week after the event. I would sit down and do a piece on it and how life has been, but of course I hit a wall. Turns out throwing myself into all that work meant that once it was done my depression kicked in with the feeling of “what do I do now.” The week after the event was one of mixed feelings I went though the high of my music being out and people listening to it, letting me know how they thought. Then two days went by and I went to a low. With nothing to plan or think about anymore I was in a place of having a new blank slate. This then continued until the past couple of days. Since then I have really been able to pull myself up happier, slowly day by day. Now the stress of planning Christmas hit me, for me you have to understand that even making a simple decision is incredibly hard as my brain damage just cant make a choice without me getting very stressed. I’m lucky enough I have my family and my mum and my roommate to help me take on that with me.

I’m back in the studio working on my acoustic version of the album which hopefully you can buy in the new year. Plus I’m already working on new songs and my Christmas video cover.

So my album Restless Dreamland… well the only way I describe it is a gothic Alice In Wonderland – childhood fears or as you realise you’re losing your innocence and what lies underneath. (I was always a thriller and horror movies girl!) It’s on Spotify and iTunes and hopefully next year there will be videos to go with it

The other thing, is at Christmas it’s also my birthday, not on christmas but a couple of days later and I’m thinking about my last year and how I can no longer dance to Taylor Swift’s 22 quite the same as 23 is just around the bend. But it’s been one of the best years , my friends , my family and oh yes good old Moomin of course.

delilah-2So onto 23 and 2017!