So usually I would say TGIF and was planning on doing a bit of work putting up the new reviews and then going out tonight but yet again THE FLU IS BACK !!!!!!!!!

Orangutan building its own hammock caught on camera

This cheered me up though so thought I’d show you and if you are thinking of heading out tonight I would advice David Bowie Lovers at Vinyl Bar in Soho . Wish I could be there to celebrate with my friends a truly great artist but sadly I’m thinking its gonna be Die Hard to honour the sad loss of the amazing Alan Rickman xxxxxxx

To all you out there TGIF and have a good weekend x

David Bowie WE LOVE YOU!!!

David Bowie WE LOVE YOU!!!

Today we heard the very sad news of David Bowie’s death . He was only 69 and lost his battle to cancer. As I’m writing this I’m listening to his music remembering how I would dance round the kitchen as a child to tracks like Starman & Golden Years.

There is honestly so much I can write about Bowie. He is one of the reasons I got into music. This morning I listened to Lazarus from his most recent album and it really hit me that he was gone. He was honestly one of the greatest ever.

I hope people dance and celebrate the great music he made today and remember WE CAN BE HEROES JUST FOR ONE DAY !!!!

I’ll leave you with these xx

” I’ll be free ,  just like that bluebird ”

You truly are a starman David Bowie RIP



and last but not least ………